Here are the current bylaws of the BGSG.
Business Geography Specialty Group
Adopted March 31, 2016
Article I: Name
The name of this organization is the Business Geography Specialty Group (BGSG) of the Association of American Geographers (AAG).
Article II: Purpose and Mission Statement
The purpose of the BGSG is to bring together AAG members who have mutual professional interests in business geography. Business geography is the application of geographic knowledge and information and geospatial techniques that assists businesses in making specific real-time decisions.
The mission of the BGSG is to facilitate the sharing of a diversity of ideas and relevant information among its members and others; stimulate research, pedagogy, and applications in business geography; aid in the advancement of its members and of the field of business geography; represent business geography within geography and with related disciplines, business endeavors, and the general public; and maintain relations with cognate organizations. As a professional group within its parent organization, the AAG, the BGSG inherently follows the AAG’s broader mission statement and its policies and procedures as detailed in the AAG Constitution and Bylaws.
Article III: Membership
BGSG membership is open to all AAG members in good standing. Membership in the BGSG is on an annual basis concurrent with AAG membership. Dues are $10 for professionals and $2 for students.
Article IV: Voting Rights and Ballots
BGSG members in good standing regarding both AAG and BGSG annual dues can vote for the specialty group’s Board Members and any pertinent issues that members bring forth. Voting for Board Members takes place at the annual business meeting. All other issues can have ballots at the business meeting or via e-mail. The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer are the tellers in secret ballots and e-mail ballots. Any member present at a BGSG business meeting may call for a vote to have a secret ballot.
Article V: Board of Directors
A. Membership: The BGSG is administered by a Board of Directors (The Board) consisting of the following officers: a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, a Student Competitions Coordinator, and up to six at-large Board Members (including one student member), all elected at large. BGSG members elect Board members at annual business meetings. A Board member may hold only one elected position at any given time. To provide continuity of strong specialty group leadership, the
BGSG chair is selected through a succession process beginning with being Secretary-Treasurer, then Vice Chair, and finally Chair.
B. General Duties: The Board exercises general supervision over the affairs of the BGSG and performs its duties as specified in these Bylaws and the policies of the AAG Council. The Board must make an annual report of BGSG activities to the specialty group members at the business meeting and submit each report, including a financial statement, in a timely manner to the AAG Council. Other than the election of Board and committee members, the BGSG Board and members may conduct specialty group business throughout the year via e-mail discussion and voting. With the support of 10 percent of the BGSG membership, a BGSG member can bring any pertinent specialty group issue to an e-mail vote. The Chair will report the results of an e¬mail vote to all BGSG members.
C. Duties of Board Members:
1. Chair: presides at all meetings of the BGSG and the Board; serves as an ex officio member of BGSG committees; issues notices of BGSG business meetings; acts as a teller in e¬mail and secret ballots; notifies members of ballot outcomes; conveys information about the views of the BGSG to the AAG Council; and performs all duties inherent in the office as directed by the BGSG.
2. Vice Chair: is the Chair-elect; advises and assists the Chair; presides at meetings in the absence of the Chair; acts as a teller in e-mail and secret ballots.
3. Secretary-Treasurer: records and reports business meeting discussions and votes; distributes e-mail and secret ballots; acts as a teller in e-mail and secret ballots; and administers the financial affairs of the BGSG and prepares annual financial reports.
4. The Student Competitions Coordinator: solicits entries and coordinates the operation of the annual BGSG student competitions.
5. Board Members: provide advice to and assist the foregoing BGSG officers in carrying out their duties, serve on committees, and undertake other duties that may arise. The student Board Member represents student interests.
D. Terms of Board Members: All Board Members, including the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and Student Competitions Coordinator, have two-year terms.
E. Election of Board Members: BGSG members elect every two years the Secretary-Treasurer and the at-large Board Members from nominations at large and votes at the specialty group’s annual business meeting. The Chair reports the results to the members present and subsequently to the entire BGSG membership via e-mail. New Board Members assume their positions at the end of the annual business meeting at which they are elected. The BGSG membership votes as necessary to replace Board Members who are unable to complete their two-year terms. Board Members are eligible for election to serve multiple two-year terms.
Article VI: Business Meeting
The annual business meeting of the BGSG is held during the AAG national meeting at the site of the AAG national meeting. The BGSG Chair will notify members of the time and place of the annual business meeting as listed in the AAG annual meeting program. To convene, the annual BGSG business meeting must have a quorum of at least 10 percent of its membership. Among items addressed at annual business meetings are the approval of the agenda and the minutes of the previous business meeting, committee reports, announcements of BGSG award winners, a financial report from the Secretary-Treasurer, and a report of BGSG activities. As interpreted by the Chair and members present, a “relaxed” version of the Robert’s Rules of Order will guide proceedings of business meetings.
Article VII: Committees
The BGSG has four standing committees: 1) BGSG Awards Committee (including the BGSG Chair and Vice Chair), 2) BGSG Student Awards Committee (including the BGSG Student Competitions Coordinator), 3) BGSG AAG Program Committee (including the BGSG Chair and Vice Chair), and 4) BGSG Website Committee (including the BGSG Vice Chair and Secretary-Treasurer). BGSG members elect at the annual business meeting the members of these committees for two-year terms.
Article VIII: Awards
The BGSG has four awards: 1) The Distinguished Business Geography Scholar Award, 2) The Outstanding Business Geography Service Award, 3) The Distinguished Business Geography Career Award, and 4) The Outstanding Business Geography Student Research Award. The BGSG Awards Committee nominates the honorees for the first three awards, and the Student Awards Committee nominates the honoree for the student research award. The BGSG presents The Distinguished Business Geography Scholar Award, The Outstanding Business Geography Student Research Award, The Outstanding Business Geography Service Award, and The Distinguished Business Geography Career Award when appropriate. Member self-nominations are not accepted. Ballots for these awards can take place at the BGSG annual business meeting of members present or through e-mail voting of all BGSG members. Each award winner receives a distinctive framed certificate or plaque. The student award winner also receives a monetary award with amount to be set by the BGSG board with consideration to the BGSG account balance
Article IX: Student Competitions
The BGSG operates a student paper competition that is typically held at the AAG national meeting at the site of the AAG national meeting. The student paper competition is divided into two groups: a graduate student competition, and an undergraduate student competition. When appropriate given the quality of entries received, prizes can be awarded for the top two entries in both categories. Papers worthy of an award will in general exhibit superior content together with excellent presentation quality. Competition award amounts will be set by the BGSG board with consideration to the BGSG account balance. AAG Awards Banquet tickets will be provided by the BGSG for the competition winners and a BGSG representative (typically, the BGSG chair or designate) if the BGSG account balance allows.
Article X: Annual Report
The Chair provides an annual report to the AAG Council by its deadline. The report should articulate the mission of the BGSG, its program of activities, a financial report, and any other issues that the AAG requests.
Article XI: Website
The Website Committee maintains an attractive, informative, and timely BGSG Website and BGSG Blog. The Website Committee optimizes the Website and blog to help reach the goals of the specialty group.
Article XII: Ratification and Amendment of Bylaws
These Bylaws take effect immediately after their approval by a majority of BGSG members at its initial annual business meeting and the concurrence of the AAG Council. With the support of 10 percent of the BGSG membership, a member of the specialty group can propose at any time an amendment to the Bylaws. A majority of BGSG members at the annual business meeting or via e-mail ballot can approve an amendment. The Chair notifies the BGSG membership of approved amendments.
Business Geography Specialty Group
Adopted March 31, 2016
Article I: Name
The name of this organization is the Business Geography Specialty Group (BGSG) of the Association of American Geographers (AAG).
Article II: Purpose and Mission Statement
The purpose of the BGSG is to bring together AAG members who have mutual professional interests in business geography. Business geography is the application of geographic knowledge and information and geospatial techniques that assists businesses in making specific real-time decisions.
The mission of the BGSG is to facilitate the sharing of a diversity of ideas and relevant information among its members and others; stimulate research, pedagogy, and applications in business geography; aid in the advancement of its members and of the field of business geography; represent business geography within geography and with related disciplines, business endeavors, and the general public; and maintain relations with cognate organizations. As a professional group within its parent organization, the AAG, the BGSG inherently follows the AAG’s broader mission statement and its policies and procedures as detailed in the AAG Constitution and Bylaws.
Article III: Membership
BGSG membership is open to all AAG members in good standing. Membership in the BGSG is on an annual basis concurrent with AAG membership. Dues are $10 for professionals and $2 for students.
Article IV: Voting Rights and Ballots
BGSG members in good standing regarding both AAG and BGSG annual dues can vote for the specialty group’s Board Members and any pertinent issues that members bring forth. Voting for Board Members takes place at the annual business meeting. All other issues can have ballots at the business meeting or via e-mail. The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer are the tellers in secret ballots and e-mail ballots. Any member present at a BGSG business meeting may call for a vote to have a secret ballot.
Article V: Board of Directors
A. Membership: The BGSG is administered by a Board of Directors (The Board) consisting of the following officers: a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, a Student Competitions Coordinator, and up to six at-large Board Members (including one student member), all elected at large. BGSG members elect Board members at annual business meetings. A Board member may hold only one elected position at any given time. To provide continuity of strong specialty group leadership, the
BGSG chair is selected through a succession process beginning with being Secretary-Treasurer, then Vice Chair, and finally Chair.
B. General Duties: The Board exercises general supervision over the affairs of the BGSG and performs its duties as specified in these Bylaws and the policies of the AAG Council. The Board must make an annual report of BGSG activities to the specialty group members at the business meeting and submit each report, including a financial statement, in a timely manner to the AAG Council. Other than the election of Board and committee members, the BGSG Board and members may conduct specialty group business throughout the year via e-mail discussion and voting. With the support of 10 percent of the BGSG membership, a BGSG member can bring any pertinent specialty group issue to an e-mail vote. The Chair will report the results of an e¬mail vote to all BGSG members.
C. Duties of Board Members:
1. Chair: presides at all meetings of the BGSG and the Board; serves as an ex officio member of BGSG committees; issues notices of BGSG business meetings; acts as a teller in e¬mail and secret ballots; notifies members of ballot outcomes; conveys information about the views of the BGSG to the AAG Council; and performs all duties inherent in the office as directed by the BGSG.
2. Vice Chair: is the Chair-elect; advises and assists the Chair; presides at meetings in the absence of the Chair; acts as a teller in e-mail and secret ballots.
3. Secretary-Treasurer: records and reports business meeting discussions and votes; distributes e-mail and secret ballots; acts as a teller in e-mail and secret ballots; and administers the financial affairs of the BGSG and prepares annual financial reports.
4. The Student Competitions Coordinator: solicits entries and coordinates the operation of the annual BGSG student competitions.
5. Board Members: provide advice to and assist the foregoing BGSG officers in carrying out their duties, serve on committees, and undertake other duties that may arise. The student Board Member represents student interests.
D. Terms of Board Members: All Board Members, including the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and Student Competitions Coordinator, have two-year terms.
E. Election of Board Members: BGSG members elect every two years the Secretary-Treasurer and the at-large Board Members from nominations at large and votes at the specialty group’s annual business meeting. The Chair reports the results to the members present and subsequently to the entire BGSG membership via e-mail. New Board Members assume their positions at the end of the annual business meeting at which they are elected. The BGSG membership votes as necessary to replace Board Members who are unable to complete their two-year terms. Board Members are eligible for election to serve multiple two-year terms.
Article VI: Business Meeting
The annual business meeting of the BGSG is held during the AAG national meeting at the site of the AAG national meeting. The BGSG Chair will notify members of the time and place of the annual business meeting as listed in the AAG annual meeting program. To convene, the annual BGSG business meeting must have a quorum of at least 10 percent of its membership. Among items addressed at annual business meetings are the approval of the agenda and the minutes of the previous business meeting, committee reports, announcements of BGSG award winners, a financial report from the Secretary-Treasurer, and a report of BGSG activities. As interpreted by the Chair and members present, a “relaxed” version of the Robert’s Rules of Order will guide proceedings of business meetings.
Article VII: Committees
The BGSG has four standing committees: 1) BGSG Awards Committee (including the BGSG Chair and Vice Chair), 2) BGSG Student Awards Committee (including the BGSG Student Competitions Coordinator), 3) BGSG AAG Program Committee (including the BGSG Chair and Vice Chair), and 4) BGSG Website Committee (including the BGSG Vice Chair and Secretary-Treasurer). BGSG members elect at the annual business meeting the members of these committees for two-year terms.
Article VIII: Awards
The BGSG has four awards: 1) The Distinguished Business Geography Scholar Award, 2) The Outstanding Business Geography Service Award, 3) The Distinguished Business Geography Career Award, and 4) The Outstanding Business Geography Student Research Award. The BGSG Awards Committee nominates the honorees for the first three awards, and the Student Awards Committee nominates the honoree for the student research award. The BGSG presents The Distinguished Business Geography Scholar Award, The Outstanding Business Geography Student Research Award, The Outstanding Business Geography Service Award, and The Distinguished Business Geography Career Award when appropriate. Member self-nominations are not accepted. Ballots for these awards can take place at the BGSG annual business meeting of members present or through e-mail voting of all BGSG members. Each award winner receives a distinctive framed certificate or plaque. The student award winner also receives a monetary award with amount to be set by the BGSG board with consideration to the BGSG account balance
Article IX: Student Competitions
The BGSG operates a student paper competition that is typically held at the AAG national meeting at the site of the AAG national meeting. The student paper competition is divided into two groups: a graduate student competition, and an undergraduate student competition. When appropriate given the quality of entries received, prizes can be awarded for the top two entries in both categories. Papers worthy of an award will in general exhibit superior content together with excellent presentation quality. Competition award amounts will be set by the BGSG board with consideration to the BGSG account balance. AAG Awards Banquet tickets will be provided by the BGSG for the competition winners and a BGSG representative (typically, the BGSG chair or designate) if the BGSG account balance allows.
Article X: Annual Report
The Chair provides an annual report to the AAG Council by its deadline. The report should articulate the mission of the BGSG, its program of activities, a financial report, and any other issues that the AAG requests.
Article XI: Website
The Website Committee maintains an attractive, informative, and timely BGSG Website and BGSG Blog. The Website Committee optimizes the Website and blog to help reach the goals of the specialty group.
Article XII: Ratification and Amendment of Bylaws
These Bylaws take effect immediately after their approval by a majority of BGSG members at its initial annual business meeting and the concurrence of the AAG Council. With the support of 10 percent of the BGSG membership, a member of the specialty group can propose at any time an amendment to the Bylaws. A majority of BGSG members at the annual business meeting or via e-mail ballot can approve an amendment. The Chair notifies the BGSG membership of approved amendments.
© Business Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers. All rights reserved.